May 28, 2018 - June 1, 2018 Weekly Agenda for A.P. English Literature
Tuesday, May 29th: Class id 15952414 Class code: APLIT Email your seven slides to Please submit your final draft tonight no later than 11:59 to class id 15952414 Class Key: aplit slides: Five minutes in length Seven slides in total: Title page - not included in the count of research paper Five slides on topic Work cited page - not included in the count of research paper Wednesday, May 30th: Jefferson, Sandra, Leslie, Ronald, Elizabeth, Alisson, Monce, Carter, Jennifer, Angela Presentations of Senior Research Papers: Jefferson – Importance of sleep Sandra – Effects of Technology on Education Leslie – Standards of Feminine Beauty through the Ages Ronald - Elizabeth – Pay Gap between Men and Women in Hollywood Allison – Monce – The Effects of Anemia in Childhood Carter – The Effects of Plagues on Growing Populations Angela – Gendercide and Its Effe...