First period: Guess what? You get a break from me. I will be on campus but I am going to be working with other English teachers on the "pacing plan" - an attempt to coordinate what and when all the other English teachers are teaching junior English classes. So for first period, I would like for you to work on your "In Another Country Essay", and to start reading - if you haven't already - THE GREAT GATSBY.
2nd - 3rd period: Continue working on your Romeo & Juliet rewrite, and of course, work on your essay for ROMEO & JULIET. The essay and the reading logs will be due on Tuesday. On Monday, please bring your vocabulary book and your grammar book.

4th Period: Please work on your essay. The final draft and the rough draft are due at the end of Friday. The ROMEO & JULIET reading logs are due on Tuesday. On Monday, please bring your vocabulary book, and your grammar book.


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