First Period: Hey guys! Remember your Unit 8 Vocabulary is due tomorrow (May 14th). Since your grammar skills are probably getting a little rusty, I also assigned pages 225-226, exercise #3 in your Warriner's blue grammar book. That's going to be due on Thursday, May 15th. Your Hemingway essay on "In Another Country" will be due on Friday, May 16th. Tomorrow we are going to read an excerpt on your favorite philosophy and mine - existentialism! Then we are going to do a fun little exercise that will really drive home the point of what existentialism is all about - sort of like high school. See you tomorrow!

9th Graders: The end is near! Yes!!! We are nearly finished with Romeo & Juliet! And of course, we will then do the requisite Act 5 test and the essay. The essay will be on whether Romeo & Juliet were the pawns of fortune or were they free agents who unwittingly contributed to their demise by really bad choices. I will discuss this topic with you tomorrow (Wednesday, May 14th). The essay will be due on Monday, May 19th. After the Act 5 test, you will break into groups of four, choose an act and then rewrite it in modern English. You will be given two days to do this; on the third day, you will present the finished product to the class and a finished script to me. Starting on Monday, we will begin reading ALWAYS RUNNING, and once again, start mining the ore of vocabulary and grammar. Rest up!


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