First Period (AP English): Please read "The Bear" by Faulkner over the weekend. Also, you may want to start working on Unit 9 in your vocabulary books. On Tuesday, please bring your grammar book and your vocabulary book.

9th Grade Honors: You will have a vocabulary test on Tuesday over pages 61 - 68. Please bring your grammar book on Tuesday as well. I will only give you about 20 minutes on the test. We need to keep reading To Kill a Mockingbird. For your final you will do a literary analysis on Mockingbird - much like you did last semester on your outside reading assignment. Keep working on your reading log. It is a major grade!

9th Grade Regular: Same as the Honors class but your analysis will be on Always Running. Keep track of your reading log. It is a major grade.

Acting: On Monday, those scenes (Emanuel & Ivan, Clarence & Andrew) that were suppose to go up on Friday but didn't, will go up on Monday (6/2/03).


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