Hi you guys!

First Period: Please read up to page 200 in Antigone for tomorrow, Wednesday, October 1st. I am going to check out some more books to you tomorrow as well. After the Antigone essay you will be given the opportunity to write a more personal, narrative essay - a more fun essay! You will read Annie Dillard's piece in the Advanced Composition book, pages 23 - 33; read page 32 "Techniques to Imitate" and do number 2 on page 33, which is writing a three page essay weaving together narrative as well as descriptive prose. The essay can be about an event of your choosing.

Second Period: Bring your vocabulary books tomorrow for either a fun or embarrassing adventure in English.

Third and Fifth Period: Bring your vocabulary books and your "Horse" packet. Friday we will have a test and essay over "A Man Called Horse".

Sixth Period: Please sign the contract that you will be given on Tuesday. Continue memorizing your lines. If you are not happy with your monologue then you may speak to me about it.


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