9th Grade Syllabus for Week of April 5th

1. Break into groups.
2. Direct scenes in Act 1, Scene 5
3. Perform scenes before class.
4. Review for ROMEO and JULIET test:
a. Vocabulary
b. Comprehension
c. Iambic Pentameter


1. Act One Test on ROMEO and JULIET.
2. Go over test in class.
3. Go over three to five paragraph essay on conflict in play.


1. Begin reading Act Two in ROMEO and JULIET.
2. Reading logs and analysis of figurative language.
3. Act out the “balcony scene.”
4. Go over three to five paragraph essay format on conflict.
5. Bring English Workshop book, pages 131-132, exercises 10 & 11.
Due Thursday.


1. Go over homework from English Workshop book, pages 131 - 132.
2. Assign pages 133 - 134, exercises 12 - 13 in English Workshop.
Due Friday, April 9th.
3. Continue reading Act Two in ROMEO and JULIET
4. Reading logs and analysis of figurative language.
5. Continue working on three to five paragraph essay on conflict.


1. Go over homework from English Workshop book, pages 133 - 134,
exercises 12 - 13.
2. Continue reading ROMEO and JULIET
3. ROMEO and JULIET Act 2 vocabulary and literary devices packet.
4. Go over ROMEO and JULIET conflict essay. Second Draft will be due on Monday, April 12th.


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