9th Grade Syllabus
for Week of
May 10th
Monday, May 10th:
Read Romeo and Juliet, Act V, Sc. lll; discussion; reading logs.
Work on Act V Vocabulary and Literature packet.
Tuesday, May 11th: Shortened day
Work on Act V Vocabulary and Literature packet.
Test over Act V.
Wednesday, May 12th:
Break into groups and begin working on rewrites of selected scenes.
Thursday, May 13th:
Break into your groups and work on rewriting selected scenes.
Friday, May 14th:
Begin presentation of scenes. Must have scenes typed and turned into me.
for Week of
May 10th
Monday, May 10th:
Read Romeo and Juliet, Act V, Sc. lll; discussion; reading logs.
Work on Act V Vocabulary and Literature packet.
Tuesday, May 11th: Shortened day
Work on Act V Vocabulary and Literature packet.
Test over Act V.
Wednesday, May 12th:
Break into groups and begin working on rewrites of selected scenes.
Thursday, May 13th:
Break into your groups and work on rewriting selected scenes.
Friday, May 14th:
Begin presentation of scenes. Must have scenes typed and turned into me.