AP Class Syllabus
for week of May 17th
Monday, May 17th:
Write a reflective essay on a disappointment that you have sustained.
Tuesday, May 18th:
Go over Vocabulary Unit 14. Will be due on Wednesday, May 19th. Brief introduction to Franz Kafka. Begin reading Metamorphosis.
Wednesday, May 19th:
Continue reading Metamorphosis. Go over Unit 14 homework.
Thursday, May 20th:
Assignment: Write a short story in which the character turns into a nonhuman creature or object. The object or creature expresses the internal state of the main character.
Friday, May 21st:
Unit 14 Vocabulary test. Brief discussion of Camus and existentialism. Begin reading Albert Camusâ?? The Stranger.
for week of May 17th
Monday, May 17th:
Write a reflective essay on a disappointment that you have sustained.
Tuesday, May 18th:
Go over Vocabulary Unit 14. Will be due on Wednesday, May 19th. Brief introduction to Franz Kafka. Begin reading Metamorphosis.
Wednesday, May 19th:
Continue reading Metamorphosis. Go over Unit 14 homework.
Thursday, May 20th:
Assignment: Write a short story in which the character turns into a nonhuman creature or object. The object or creature expresses the internal state of the main character.
Friday, May 21st:
Unit 14 Vocabulary test. Brief discussion of Camus and existentialism. Begin reading Albert Camusâ?? The Stranger.