9th Grade Honors Class
Week of September 20th:
Monday, September 20th:
Go to the library for orientation.
Tuesday, September 21:
Vocabulary Journal: Write a short story using ten of your vocabulary words
Work on “Most Dangerous Game” handouts: Vocabulary, suspense, adjectives, etc.
Go over plot construction of “Most Dangerous Game.”
Wednesday, September 22nd:
Vocabulary Journal: Write a short story using ten of your vocabulary words.
Short test on “Most Dangerous Game”
Begin work on “Persuasive Essay Writing”
Thursday, September, 23rd:
Shortened day: Open House 6 pm - 8 pm
Vocabulary test: pages 4 - 14.
Continue working on “Persuasive Essay Writing”
Friday, September 24th:
Assign “Persuasive Essay”
English Workshop: pages 162 - 163. Will be due Tuesday, September 28th.
Week of September 20th:
Monday, September 20th:
Go to the library for orientation.
Tuesday, September 21:
Vocabulary Journal: Write a short story using ten of your vocabulary words
Work on “Most Dangerous Game” handouts: Vocabulary, suspense, adjectives, etc.
Go over plot construction of “Most Dangerous Game.”
Wednesday, September 22nd:
Vocabulary Journal: Write a short story using ten of your vocabulary words.
Short test on “Most Dangerous Game”
Begin work on “Persuasive Essay Writing”
Thursday, September, 23rd:
Shortened day: Open House 6 pm - 8 pm
Vocabulary test: pages 4 - 14.
Continue working on “Persuasive Essay Writing”
Friday, September 24th:
Assign “Persuasive Essay”
English Workshop: pages 162 - 163. Will be due Tuesday, September 28th.