Wednesday, October 20th:

Journal: vocabulary handout

Bring your vocabulary book. We will go over Unit 4 today. It will be due on Tuesday, October 26th.

Go over persuasive essay techniques.
Go over MLA citing a source.

Begin reading Ben Franklin’s eye witness account of a witch trail.

Thursday, October 21st:

Journal: vocabulary handout

Read background of Joe McCarthy’s “witch trials” in Literature: An Integrated Study, pages 137 - 141.

Please bring English Workshop to class. Homework will be assigned.

If there is time, you may use the computers for internet use and typing your essay.

Friday, October 22nd:

Journal: vocabulary handout

Finish reading the background of Joe McCarthy’s ‘witch trials”

For the last half of the class you may work on your essay. Your persuasive essay will be due at the end of the period today along with your rough draft.

Next week we will begin working on The Crucible and your literary analysis.


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