Good morning, Scholars!
Hope you are rested from your Thanksgiving celebrations!

Monday, November 29th:

Today I will be given - well, actually both of us will be given - a respite because the lovely Ms. Judy Campbell will be walking you through the steps of the all important financial aide applications. In this time of budget cutbacks this is REALLY important to you so please show up and be attentive! I, however, will be feverishly at work grading papers and writing letters of recommendations.

Unit 4 in your beloved Vocabulary book will be assigned. Do we really have to go over it in class? Well, bring the book on Tuesday and we’ll go over it really fast. It will be due on Monday, December 6th.

Your exercise in parallelism will be due.

Tuesday, November 30th:

We will give our presentations over Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales. I hope we can get through this as expeditiously as possible because I really want to start Hamlet sometime soon.

Go over - very briefly - parallelism in class.

Wednesday, December 1st:

We are heading into the homestretch! We will finish up the Chaucer tales and perhaps take a peek at some poetry from about the 800 - 1000 A.D.

Handout (from English Workshop, fifth course, pages 173, 174, 175, 176; exercise 8, A, B and C) over sentence structure: simple, compound, complex, compound-complex. Due Tuesday, December 7th.

Thursday, December 2nd:

We will begin - if all goes to plan and it NEVER does! - Hamlet. Most of the kids in the past have really liked it. I hope you do too.

Friday, December 3rd:

We will continue reading Hamlet.


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