Monday, November 15th:

Please turn in your “favorite actor” homework. If we have time, we will share a few of these - maybe three or four.

Vocal warm-ups and emotion and memory exercises.

Work with your partner today. You now need to move around as your character and to come up with some blocking on your own. You need to run through your scene in its entirety four times with your partner with movement.

I will work with:

De’Jong Cockrell
Alisa Alayan

Tuesday, November 16th:

I will not be here today, but before you get too excited, I am putting you on notice that if you behave the way you did the last time with the substitute, there will be SERIOUS consequences! You will watch a video which you will have to take notes on and which will be collected at the end of the period. if you do not turn in adequate notes, then you will receive an “F” for the day. If the substitute gives me your name as a trouble maker or as uncooperative then you will receive an “F” for the day, a phone call home and a trip to the dean. For those of you who are wonderful and mature, (Alisa, Laura, Dakota, etc. you know I don’t mean you!)

Wednesday, November 17th:

We may share two or three more of your favorite actors.

Continue working on “People, Places, Things” on your script where you write a half a page description of any people, places or things you or your partner talks about in the script.

Today work with your partner. You must go through your scene four times with movement.

I will work with:

Dakota North
Luis Flores

Thursday, November 18th:

Today we will do some movement studies with your characters. How does your character walk?
You will continue working with your scene partner. Run through four times with movement and with blocking. Bring in props if necessary.

I will work with:

Leslie Flores
Grace MacMillan
Sierra Makepeace

Friday, November 19th:

The following students will perform:

Alisa Alayan
De’Jong Cockrell
Laura Diaz
Dominique McCoy
Sydnii Olah
Dasha Plagova

Those students with whom I work this week will perform theirs on Wednesday, November 24th:

Leslie Flores
Luis Flores
Grace MacMillan
Sierra Makepeace


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