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Part 1
Chapter 1
Some questions to get you thinking:

1. What is the emotional state of the young man in the beginning of the story?

2. How do the physical surroundings reflect the emotional and spiritual state of the young man?

3. What do you think Raskolnikov is contemplating regarding the pawnbroker?

4. Where does Raskolnikov go after his visit with Alyona Ivanovna? Why do you think Dostoevsky has Raskolnikov go there?

Chapter 2

1. What insights regarding Russian society during that time does Marmeladov provide us?

2. What was Sonia, Marmeladov’s daughter, forced to do? What does the “yellow ticket” or passport represent?

3. What does Marmeladov mean when he says that science has forbidden compassion and that England now has a political economy?

Chapter 3

1. What is Praskovya Pavlovna planning to do against Raskolnikov?

2. What important information is contained in a letter to Raskolnikov?

Chapter 4

1. What is Raskolnikov’s attitude about Mr. Luzhin?

2. What does the treatment of Sonia and Dounia seem to suggest about the attitude towards women in Russian society at that time?

3. What does “bitter is the ascent of Golgotha...” a reference to? About whom is Raskolnikov speaking?

4. What comment is Dostoevsky making about human nature in the scene involving the drunken young girl, the police officer and the corpulent middle-aged man across the street?

Chapter 5

What does Raskolnikov’s dream of the slaughtered horse represent? What comment do you think Dostoevsky is making about human nature? What does the horse represent? Who or what do Mikolka and the little crying boy represent?


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