Monday, March 14th:

Good morning, scholars!

Collect your Frankenstein essay!

Go over Lord Byron’s poem, “When We Two Parted” and analyze it in terms of structure and organization.

For homework: give yourself twenty minutes to write two to three paragraphs on poem. Due on Tuesday, March 15th.

For homework: Varying the beginnings of sentences. Pass out xeroxed copies from WARRINER’S over “Varying the beginnings of sentences.” Will be due on Thursday, March 17th.

Discuss John Keats, his life and works, and the sonnet format.

Tuesday, March 15th:

Collect homework: Analysis of “When We Two Parted”

Continue discussing John Keats’ poetry and the sonnet format.
Discussion of the villanelle: “Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night”
Presentation of poetry terms by Alisa, Josh, Raymond, Eric, Hugh and Calia.

Wednesday, March 16th:

Continued presentation of poetry terms. Pay attention! There will be a test over this - quite possibly on Tuesday, March 22nd.

Analysis and comparison between John Keats’ “Bright Star!” and Robert Frost’s poem.

Homework: Write an essay comparing and contrasting Keats and Frost’s poems.

Analysis of more poetry: the elegy, the dramatic monologue, etc.

Thursday, March 17th:

Peer editing on homework essay on poetry by Keats and Frost.
Multiple choice questions over Emily Dickinson's poem.
Your grammar homework is due today (handouts from WARRINER’S on “Varying Sentence Beginnings.”)
Check out Vocabulary Workshop, level “F”; Unit 10 will be assigned. Due Wednesday, March 23rd.

Friday, March 18th:

In-class assignment on random poem I wll select for you. Fifteen-minute time limit on two to three body paragraph essay.


Break into groups and work on creating ten questions and answers for the following characters: Raskolnikov, Sonia, Luzhin, Dournia, Katherine, Razumihin,Svidrigailov.


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