April 24th Weekly Schedule
for AP English Literature

Monday, April 24th:

We’ll go over the answers to “Ode on the Death of a Favorite Cat”.
Collect the “Open Ended Prompt” and discuss.
Discuss the Mary Barton excerpt.
Discuss Madame Bovary. For tonight: read up to page 222.

Tuesday, April 25th:

Vocabulary Unit 7 (or 6) will be due today.
Multiple Choice question over literary excerpt
Discussion of Madame Bovary; for tonight: read up to page 245.

Wednesday, April 26th:

Ye Gads! Yet another timed essay! This one is on “It’s a Woman’s World”.
Multiple choice questions over “Sestina”
English Workshop: The Complete Course; pages175-176; “Adjective Clauses”; exercise 2 is due today!
Madame Bovary: read up to page 276.

Thursday, April 27th:

Analyze the student responses to the AP excerpts for “It’s a Woman’s World”.
Discussion of Madame Bovary; for tonight: read up to 303.

Friday, April 28th:

Another timed essay! This one is from Carmac McCarthy’s The Crossing. This essay will be due on Monday, May 2nd.
Please finish reading Madame Bovary.


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