Monday, October 10th:
Go over Unit 2, Vocabulary.
Break into groups, each group will llustrate one assigned stanza of Sylvia Plath’s “The Sow”.
Then we will have a gallery walk-around of our art work.
We will then peruse the “Sow” packet. I think I smell another essay coming along! “The Sow” essay will be due on Monday, October 17th.
Tuesday, October 11th:
Shortened day!
Go over handouts on the twenty types of sentence structure! Brief exercise where you will try your hand at writing a paragraph using at least five of the sentence types - perhaps even using your vocabulary words!
Read selection of Beowulf.
Turn in Oedipal essays.
Wednesday, October 12th:
Continue reading Beowulf
Another brief exercise where you will try your hand at writing a paragraph using at least five of the sentence types - perhaps even using your vocabulary words!
Thursday, October 13th:
Unit 2 Vocabulary Test.
Multiple choice selection over a 19th Century Poem.
Begin reading Geoffrey Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales.
Break into groups, read, analyze and then make presentations - complete with a poster for your section of Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales.
Friday, October 14th:
Finish your presentation of Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales.
Ms. Bridges will give a brief but hopefully not too boring history of the English Language.
Friendly reminder: Your Sylvia Plath essay “The Sow” will be due on Monday, October 17th.
Your first literary term paper will be due on Wednesday, October 19th.
Monday, October 10th:
Go over Unit 2, Vocabulary.
Break into groups, each group will llustrate one assigned stanza of Sylvia Plath’s “The Sow”.
Then we will have a gallery walk-around of our art work.
We will then peruse the “Sow” packet. I think I smell another essay coming along! “The Sow” essay will be due on Monday, October 17th.
Tuesday, October 11th:
Shortened day!
Go over handouts on the twenty types of sentence structure! Brief exercise where you will try your hand at writing a paragraph using at least five of the sentence types - perhaps even using your vocabulary words!
Read selection of Beowulf.
Turn in Oedipal essays.
Wednesday, October 12th:
Continue reading Beowulf
Another brief exercise where you will try your hand at writing a paragraph using at least five of the sentence types - perhaps even using your vocabulary words!
Thursday, October 13th:
Unit 2 Vocabulary Test.
Multiple choice selection over a 19th Century Poem.
Begin reading Geoffrey Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales.
Break into groups, read, analyze and then make presentations - complete with a poster for your section of Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales.
Friday, October 14th:
Finish your presentation of Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales.
Ms. Bridges will give a brief but hopefully not too boring history of the English Language.
Friendly reminder: Your Sylvia Plath essay “The Sow” will be due on Monday, October 17th.
Your first literary term paper will be due on Wednesday, October 19th.