Monday, March 27th:

I hope you had a productive, fun-filled weekend!

Dylan will do his presentation today on elegy and Nick will do his presentation on odes.
Your grammar is due today; Warriner’s English Grammar; pages 245 - 246; “Varying Sentence Beginnings”

Finish going over the two wee, small tests on the 1600’s - 1700’s and the “Age of Reason”.

Discuss the reading which I assigned last week and which we didn’t have time to get to - Alexander Pope’s “The Rape of the Lock”, Samuel Johnson’s “London” and Daniel Defoe’s Journal of the Plague Year.

Tuesday, March 28th:

Megan will present on lyric poetry, and Irina will present on the poetic foot.

Your two paragraph essay on Shelley’s “Ode to the West Wind” is due today.
The prompt is: To what effect does Shelley use organization and figurative language in his “Ode to the West Wind”.

We will discuss William Blake’s two poems from “Age of Innocence” which were used for last year’s prompt.

We will begin - finally - discussion of Crime and Punishment and discussion on the long form format for this book.

Wednesday, March 29th:

King will present on blank verse.

Your compare and contrast essay on John Keats’ “O Star” and Robert Frost’s “Something Like a Star” will be due today.

I am going to give you a grammar packet on the appositive from the book, Sentence Combining; this assignment will be due on Friday.

And your favorite - another multiple choice test which I haven’t picked out for you yet, but it will be fun, I promise you!

Continued discussion on Crime and Punishment.

Analysis of poetry by William Wordsworth (“The World is Too Much with Us”, “My Heart Leaps Up”), Samuel Taylor Coleridge (“Kubla Khan”, “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner”), Lord Byron (“She Walks in Beauty”, “When We Two Parted”), John Keats ("La Belle Dame Sans Merci”, and “Ode on a Grecian Urn”), and Percy Bysshe Shelley (“Ozymandias”)

Thursday, March 30th:

Melissa will present on meter today, and Phylicia will present. I will give you a fun little assignment on meter as well.

Continue analysis of Romantic Era poetry.

Continue discussion on Crime and Punishment.

Friday, March 31st:

The last presentation will be Elodie who will present on tone.

Your appositive handout will be due today as well as your first literary analysis on a literary excerpt of your choosing.

Wrap up of any outstanding poetry. Be aware that next week I will give you a wee
poetry test over Romantic poetry and the terms we have covered in class.

Continued discussion of Crime and Punishment.

Your long form for Crime and Punishment will be due on Monday, April 3rd.

The next book we will tackle will be Flaubert’s Madame Bovary.


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