Monday, September 18, 2006

Greetings, Seniors! Hope you had a great weekend!

Today your "Complements" handout is due. You remember the one - I gave it to you on Thursday and we went over it. It has to do with subjects, verbs and....complements. In other words, GRAMMAR.

We also have presentations today. Today, we will have Sydnni and Jessica presenting on myth and requiem.

I also hope you brought five things (objects, photo of objects, or video of objects) to class today. We are going to analyze them and write about how these objects make us feel and in some cases we are going to come up with a "movement" that symbolizes how these objects make us feel. I know, you're thinking,"This isn't a dance class or even an acting class, so waddup, Ms. Bridges?" We are going to write a paragraph or two or three about these objects in terms of figurative language. After all, that's what we're doing when we analyze literature - we are analyzing how the writer uses figurative language to make us "see", "hear", "feel", or to help us see the world in a different way or to think about something and "see" it in a completely different light. And that's what this exercise is about - to make you connect with ideas in a
visceral way.

Your assignment will be to choose two of these objects and write a paragraph on each one, showing how this object symbolizes an aspect of your life. This assignment will be due on Friday, September 22nd.

We will then break into groups and begin reading, analyzing, outlining and discussing Aristotle's POETICS. Each group will be given a section to read and learn and then present and teach to the rest of the class. Again, make it entertaining: it must have a visual component; i.e., a poster; an aural component; i.e., a lecture or a sketch, etc.; and finally, an interactive (kinesthetic component) i.e., a quiz or some fun game.

Tuesday, September 19th:

Today is a shortened day.

Today our presenters wil be Eric and Chelsey and they will be presenting pun and synecdoche.

Your Unit One from the VOCABULARY WORKSHOP: Level F is due. Just so there is no misunderstanding: you should write the word, the part of speech, the definition and the brief snippet of a sentence showing how the word is used. Then just write the word for "Completing the Sentence"; write out all the synonyms and underline the vocabulary word; write out all the antonyms and underline the vocabulary word and finally, just write the correct vocabulary word for "Choosing the Right Word".

We will continue reading and analyzing Aristotle's POETICS. Everyone in your group should write an outline of your section to turn into me for a grade. You will begin presenting your section to the class probably by Wednesday. Again, in order to do a good job of learning and teaching you should appeal to the visual (by doing, for example, posters), the aural (a lecture or a sketch) and the kinesthetic (an interactive activity or a small quiz.)

Wednesday, September 20th:

Today our presenters will be Erica, Caroline, Jerrell and Steve and they will be presenting onamatopoeia, apostrophe, imagery and irony.

We will also begin our presentations of Aristotle's POETICS.

Thursday, September 21st:

Today our literary terms presenters will be James and Gabriel and they will be presenting vernacular and local color.

We will continue presenting Aristotle's POETICS.

As soon as we finish Aristotle's POETICS, we will go over Plato's THE ALLEGORY OF THE CAVE. I know some of you have already read it with Mr. Itkin but some of you haven't and since the excerpt is short and it is important, THE ALLEGORY OF THE CAVE might bear rereading.

Friday, September 22nd:

I hope that we will be finished with our presentations and we can move onto reading Sophocles' OEDIPUS REX.

I will also review the literary terms we've gone over and I will introduce some new terms that haven't been introduced yet in preparation for the literary terms test.

Your two paragraph writing assignment will be due today.

The above isn't written in stone but this is what we will try to cover this week.


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