Monday, October 2nd:

Your Unit Two is due today from your vocabulary book.

We must finish Aristotle’s Poetics today! So that means that you each get ten minutes to present. That also means that you will not have time to work on it in class because you need to listen and take notes on the presentations. You also need to write/type/whatever - but neatly and completely! - an outline of your section and give to me after your presentations.

And congratulations to Ti’Onae and Charisma on their presentations! They did an excellent and thorough job on their section! Brava!

Tuesday, October 3rd:

We will spend half of the period discussing our writing assignment on James Joyce’s “The Dead”. I will make this assignment due on Thursday.

We will begin reading OEDIPUS REX today. You will be assigned twenty pages to read each night and you will be expected to take notes and prepare questions over the reading. Don’t despair! It’s a short play. Think of it as a detective story/ cold case story - along the lines of a “CSI: Thebes.” There is an unsolved murder and boy, are the gods annoyed! There are famines and plagues as a result of this unsolved murder and our job is to figure out who the unpunished killer is.

Wednesday, October 4th:

Quick review of the literary terms.

Continue reading OEDIPUS REX.

Twenty pages will be assigned starting from the page we stopped at in class. Again, you will be expected to take notes and prepare questions over the reading.

Thursday, October 5th:

Continue reading and discussing OEDIPUS REX.

Friday, October 6th:

A brief literary terms test will be given today. Then we will board the swift ship back to Thebes to solve this cold case. When we finish we will go on to OEDIPUS AT COLONUS and then proceed to ANTIGONE.


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