Weekly Schedule for
October 30th
AP English

Monday, October 30th:

Since so many of you will be frolicking at the College Fair today, those lucky few who will be with me will read and discuss ANTIGONE.

Read the first 20 pages of ANTIGONE for today, Monday, October 30th.

By the way, your second installment of the literary terms was due on Friday, October 27th. If you haven’t turned it in yet, please do so asap.

Tuesday, October 31st:

Please turn in your grammar handout from last week on the “absolute phrase”. We will briefly go over it.

Today we will FINALLY present our Unit 2 Vocabulary presentations, and then finish reading ANTIGONE. Another fun essay on either ANTIGONE or OEDIPUS at COLONUS will be due on Friday, November 3rd.

Wednesday, November 1st (All Saints’ Day!):

Today, since you liked the “absolute phrase” handout sooo much, you will be given another handout but this time it will be over “adverbial clauses.” This will be due on Monday, November 6th.

We will start to work on Unit Three in our vocabulary books.

Today we will start to work on HAMLET, one of the greatest plays ever written. Many of my students have cited HAMLET as their favorite literary piece from AP Literature. I hope you enjoy it!

Some handouts will be given to you explaining iambic pentameter and how to read and understand Shakespeare. To help in your understanding we will also be watching Kenneth Branagh’s film of HAMLET. It is four hours long and has every single word of the play.

Thursday, November 2nd:

We will continue reading, analyzing and watching HAMLET.

Friday, November 3rd:

I will get you started in your reading of HAMLET, but eventually the training wheels will come off and you will be assigned scenes to read at home.


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