November 20th
Weekly Schedule
AP English

Monday, November 20th:

Today, if you have not turned in your Act One test for HAMLET please do so. If everyone turns in the test today, then we will go over the answers in class.

Grades are coming up so the sooner you turn in outstanding work, the better your grade will be (and I mean the word “outstanding” in both senses of the word - quick, what literary term would that be?)

Please bring the handout that I rather hurriedly passed out to you on Friday. The handout has two passages from HAMLET that I would like for you to look at and analyze. It might prove helpful in decoding Shakespeare.

We will read Act Two and discuss today. And if the xerox gods smile on us, I will be able to give you the contemporary translation of Act Two and the open book test on it as well.

Tuesday, November 21st:

I will give you a fun little unscrambling assignment - just like the other fun little unscrambling assignments - but this time it will be over adjective clauses.

We will continue reading and discussing Act Two. We will also do a little grammar/decoding exercise from Hamlet where we try to find adjective clauses and the nouns they modify: “The clauses that describe and the nouns they modify”.

Wednesday, November 22nd:

Just a head’s up: today is the last day to turn in grades, and knowing me as well as I do, I will probably be really cranky. And If I am feeling larcenous enough, I may beg, borrow or steal a t.v. - just like someone did to MY television a while back - and we can watch Kenneth Branagh’s Act Two of HAMLET.

Please bring your ENGLISH WORKSHOP book today. I will assign “adjective clauses” which will be due on Tuesday, November 28th. And no, I don’t have the page number yet because I don’t have the book with me right now, but I will tell you in class as soon as I do.

A head’s up for Monday: please write five sentences with adjective clauses using your Unit 3 words. (So you lonely seniors can have something to do on Saturday night ;-)

Your Act Two open book test will be due today.

For homework, please finish reading Act Three and complete your Act Three open book test. Please do not share your translations. This needs to be independent work.


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