
Showing posts from March, 2007
Weekly Schedule for AP English Monday, March 26th: Mulitple Choice Test: Go over “First Paragraph” packet. Examine an AP prompt, Cormac MacCarthy’s THE CROSSING and the student responses. CRIME AND PUNISHMENT discussion over Part lV. Tuesday, March 27th: Go over some poetry terms: meter, foot, spondee, iamb, dactyl, trochee. Go over “Integrating Quotations” packet. Examine another AP prompt, Henry James’ THE PUPIL and the student responses. CRIME and PUNISHMENT discussion over Part V, chapters 5 and 6. Break into groups and analyze section for character, theme, motif and symbol. For tonight, please read CRIME and PUNISHMENT, and finish Chapter V. Wednesday, March 28th: Timed essay today! Thursday, March 29th: A dactylic puzzle as a warm-up exercise. Discuss poetry terms: sonnets, rhyme scheme, couplet. Discuss some aspects of essay writing. Examine more AP prompts and the student responses. Discuss CRIME and PUNISHMENT. For tonight, please read Part Vl, chapters one and two. Frida...
March 19th, 2007 Weekly Schedule for AP English Monday, March 19th: Pass out and assign poetry terms. Get into teams of three and select the three to five poetry terms you would like to present. Warm-up activity: Write one periodic sentence using one word from your unit 4 vocabulary; write one loose sentence using a different word from your unit 4 vocabulary; write one interrupted sentence with another word, and finally write one balanced sentence with yet another word from your unit 4 vocabulary. We will discuss the weekend’s reading of Chapters 6 and 7 in CRIME AND PUNISHMENT. Tonight’s reading will be over Part lll, Chapters 1 and 2. Tuesday, March 20th: Your Unit 4 Vocabulary is due today. Today we will do the first of many timed essays. The prompt will be given to you on Tuesday and will be over a passage from CRIME AND PUNISHMENT. Tonight please read Part lll, Chapters 3 and 4. Wednesday, March 21st: I’m going to change the due date for your English grammar homework in WARR...
March 12th, 2007 Weekly Schedule for Ap English Literature Wednesday, March 14th: Good morning, scholars and artists! I hope you had a wonderful fun-filled weekend! Now, back to work! I am going to check out your vocabulary and grammar books to you - sorry, I know they’re not fun, but they are necessary! - I’m going to assign Unit 4 to you in your vocabulary books. Please be aware that the new books I am giving you are different from the old books some of you have kept from last year. The words are the same; however, the format is different. The homework will be due on Tuesday, March 20th. We will discuss CRIME and PUNISHMENT; then we will break into groups and dissect the novel (so to speak) up to Chapter 2 (depending on the translation you are reading, chapter 2 is around page 92). Analyzing last night’s homework, you may share what you have discovered in the reading for theme, motif and symbolism. Arrive at the three best examples of those categories and turn into me at the end...