Monday, March 3rd:

Collect the homework which was assigned over the winter break. It is due now. It includes the short forms for FRANKENSTEIN and for CRIME and PUNISHMENT, plus the answers for the questions over the "Age of Reason", the Cavalier poets, and the Romantic poets.

Pass out the multiple choice questions over Samuel Daniels' poem.

Tuesday, March 4th:

Go over the multiple choice questions for Samuel Daniels' poem.
Assign the multiple choice questions over John Donne's "Meditations".


Christopher Marlowe's biography; page 265;"The Passionate Shepherd to His love"; page 266
Sir Walter Raleigh; "The Nymph's Reply to the Shepherd"; pages 266-267.
Discussed "Carpe Diem"; page 268.
Read and discussed Robert Herrick's "To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time";
pages 275 - 276.

Wednesday, March 5th:

Go over John Donne's "Meditations" multiple choice questions
Read and discuss Andrew Marvell, "To His Coy Mistress"; pages 288-289;
Read and discuss Ben Jonson's biography;"On My First Son"; pages 269-270.

Thursday, March 6th:
Read and discuss Age of Reason, and Daniel Defoe's "The Education of Women".
Continue reading the winter break assignments and answering the questions.
Pass out the Romantic Age questions.

Friday, March 7th:
Pass out the poetry handout.
Read Thomas Grey's "Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard"(pages 409 - 412).
Read William Blake's bio and "The Lamb" from SONGS OF INNOCENCE and "The Tyger" from SONGS OF EXPERIENCE (pages 428 - 430).
Read the bio of Mary Wollstonecraft and "The Vindication of the Rights of Women" (pages 444-446).

For homework please continue reading and answering the questions. Next week we will begin the Romantic Age.

Remember all late work is due on March 20th.
Your payment for the AP Test is due on or before March 25th.


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