Journal: You have awakened one morning to discover that you are some huge, hideous creature, but it is imperative that you get to school on time and not to unduly alarm your mother who is very annoyed with you right now.
Break into groups and read the next ten pages of Kafka’s METAMORPHOSIS, write brief summaries, notate literary language, symbolism, motif and themes and then regroup as a class and discuss what we learned.
For tonight, please read the next fifteen pages of the book, and write a brief summary which includes notating of literary language, symbolism, motif and themes.
I made a really odd little mistake - I wrote last week that the “Varying Sentence Beginnings” would be due on Monday, April 20th - which is two weeks later AND this year the 20th of April falls on a Sunday - I don’t know which calendar of which space-time continuum I was looking at, but I would like to make the assignment due today, Tuesday, April 15th. The assignment is: ENGLISH WORKSHOP; “Varying Sentence Beginnings”; pages 105 - 108; exercises 11 and 12.
Break into groups and read the next ten pages of Kafka’s METAMORPHOSIS, write a brief summary, notate literary language, symbolism, motif and themes and then regroup as a class and discuss what we have learned.
For tonight, please read the next fifteen pages of the book, and write a brief summary which includes notating of literary language, symbolism, motif and themes.
Tonight, please finish reading Kafka’s METAMORPHOSIS.
Today we will have a forty minute timed essay on Kafka’s METAMORPHOSIS.
After that we will do a multiple choice selection.
Hey Guys! Please be aware that the window is now open for the mid-term grades to be entered. So it’s really important that you get your outstanding work - meant in both senses of the word - in as soon as possible. Nothing lowers your grade faster than missing work.
Unit 5 will be assigned from your VOCABULARY WORKSHOP: Level F (or G). This will be due on Tuesday, April 22nd.
Today we will begin reading Camus’ THE STRANGER. We will have a brief discussion on it then we will begin reading it as a class. For tonight, we will read the next ten pages of THE STRANGER. We will write a summary of what we’ve read, noting any words that are unfamiliar to us, and notating interesting imagery, symbolism, motif, diction and syntax and any thing else we may notice.
Again, we will briefly discuss what we discovered in our last night’s reading of Albert Camus’ THE STRANGER, and then we will break into groups, continue reading, summarizing and notating.
Please finish the book over the weekend. It is a very short book. On Monday you will be given another essay on THE STRANGER to take home.
A heads up: Next week we will read in class WAITING FOR GODOT, a very important existential play by Samuel Beckett which pretty much sums up high school life for most of us. Then we will do a very fun exercise (which I’ve been long promising you) that I stole from a very fine teacher by the name of Mike Fuller. This fun exercise (which mimics a typical day in high school) will drive home the full horror of what existentialism is - which you have probably long suspected is much like high school but perhaps did not have the words to describe.
After our existential period, we will go back in time (to World War 1) and read some brilliant poetry and begin reading ALL QUIET ON THE WESTERN FRONT. We will intersperse this with excerpts from THE THINGS THEY CARRIED, and with more contemporary poetry and novel excerpts from the current war.
THEN: We will begin writing in earnest timed essays, and taking multiple choice tests.
All outstanding work must be turned in by April 21st in order to be counted for this grading period.