Monday, December 1st:
I hope you had a wonderfully fun-filled and relaxing Thanksgiving break. Now, back to work!
Go over Chaucer’s THE CANTERBURY TALE.
The following will be due on Friday, December 5th:
Page 112; THINK and DISCUSS; UNDERSTANDING: questions 1 and 2. ANALYZING: questions 5 and 6.
Page 121; THINK and DISCUSS; ANALYZING: questions 4, 5, and 6. APPLYING: Irony: questions 1, 2, and 3.
Page 137; THINK and DISCUSS; UNDERSTANDING: question 1. APPLYING: Allusion: questions 1, 2, and 3.

Tuesday, December 2nd:
Grammar: ENGLISH GRAMMAR AND COMPOSITION: pages 64 - 70; exercises 6, 7, 9 and 10. “Participles” is due today.
Begin HAMLET. Please keep a reading journal. Pass out “Figurative Language Wheel”.

Wednesday, December 3rd:
Vocabulary: Unit 3 will be assigned today. This will be due on Tuesday, December 9th.
Read and discuss Hamlet. Please keep a reading journal.

Thursday, December 4th:
Warm-up: “Loose sentence”. Write five original sentences with five vocabulary words from Unit 3 using loose sentence structure.
Read HAMLET. Please keep a reading log.

Friday, December 5th:
Warm-up: Write five original sentences with five vocabulary words from Unit 3: one sentence using loose sentence structure; one sentence using periodic sentence structure; three sentences using participles.

Read HAMLET. Please keep a reading log.


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