Monday, March 16th:
Twenty minute warm-up: Analyze Shelley’s use of enjambment, caesura, metaphor and imagery to convey theme in “Ode to the West Wind”.
Questions to “Ode to a Nightingale” are due today: page 517; “Understanding”: questions 1, 2, 3, and 4; “Analyzing”: questions 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9; “Extending”: question 10; “Applying: Onomatopoeia”: questions 1, 2, and 3.
Briefly go over “Ode to a Nightingale”.
Read CRIME AND PUNISHMENT; please do Cornell notes.
Handouts: Nietzsche and the Ubermensche.

Tuesday, March 17th:
Shortened day!
Your contrast and compare essay on John Keat’s “Bright Star” and Robert Burns’ “Something like a Star” is due today.
Read CRIME AND PUNISHMENT; please do Cornell notes.
Handouts: Nietzsche and the Ubermensche.

Wednesday, March 18th:
Go over Vocabulary Unit 5 today.
Assignment: “Ode on a Grecian Urn”; page 517; “Think and Discuss: Understanding”: questions 1,2, and 3; “Analyzing”: questions 4 - 10; “Extending”: question 11; and “Reviewing: Symbols”: questions 1 and 2. This will be due on Friday, March 20th.
Read CRIME AND PUNISHMENT: please do Cornell notes.

Thursday, March 19th:
Packet on William Blake: Compare and Contrast Essay on two William Blake poems. This will be due on Monday, March 23rd.
Read CRIME AND PUNISHMENT: please do Cornell notes.

Friday, March 20th:
Fun test long promised on Romantic Poets and 60’s Rock Stars!
Read Crime and Punishment: please do Cornell notes.


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