Monday, March 23rd:
First twenty minutes of class will be devoted to answering questions over the weekend reading up to page 67 in CRIME AND PUNISHMENT.
Due today: Questions over “Ode on a Grecian Urn”; page 517; “Think and Discuss: Understanding”: questions 1, 2, and 3; “Analyzing”: questions 4 - 10; “Extending”: question 11; and “Reviewing: Symbols”: questions 1 and 2.
Go over Unit Five Vocabulary.
Remember: Once we go over it in class you cannot turn it in!
For homework: Read the next fifteen pages of CRIME AND PUNISHMENT and do your Cornell notes.
Tuesday, March 24th:
Shortened day!
In class forty minute timed essay on Raskolnikov’s dream of the beating of the mare.
For homework: Read the next fifteen pages of CRIME AND PUNISHMENT and do your Cornell notes.
Wednesday, March 25:
Warm up: Using five of your vocabulary words write one sentence using: complex, compound structure; one sentence beginning with a gerund, one sentence beginning with a participle; one sentence with an appositive and one sentence with an adverbial phrase.
Take home compare and contrast essay on two of William Blake’s poems. This will be due on Friday, March 27th.
Read and discuss CRIME AND PUNISHMENT. Be sure to do your Cornell notes!
For homework: Read the next fifteen pages of CRIME AND PUNISHMENT and do your Cornell notes.
Thursday, March 26th:
First twenty minutes will be devoted to test questions over last night’s reading of CRIME AND PUNISHMENT.
Read and discuss CRIME AND PUNISHMENT. Be sure to do your Cornell notes!
For homework: Read the next fifteen pages of CRIME AND PUNISHMENT and do your Cornell notes.
Rock Star and Romantic Poets take home test.
Friday, March 27th:
Break into groups and read handouts on Nietzsche and his philosophy, and Dostoevsky’s biography.
For homework: Read the next fifteen pages of CRIME AND PUNISHMENT and do your Cornell notes.