Monday, September 14th:

Read excerpts from THE THINGS THEY CARRIED.

Tuesday, September 15th:

Today we will share contents of our backpacks and purses - so make sure you leave your contraband at home!

Written Assignment: Using Tim O’Brien’s technique, choose or create three characters and reveal who they are by the things they carry - by the contents of their purse, their backpacks or by the things they choose to carry in hand. The assignment should be a minimum of half a page. This assignment will be due on Thursday, September 17th.

Wednesday, September 16th:

The summer reading assignment is due today for those of you who had Itkin or Carmicle last semester in 11th grade AP English Language.

Grammar: Break into pairs and rewrite an unpunctuated excerpt from Tim O’Brien’s THE THINGS THEY CARRIED. Compare your repunctuated version with the original punctuated version from the book. We will discuss how punctuation - how the use of a dash rather than a comma - can affect the emotional and intellectual understanding of a literary piece.

Thursday, September 17th:

Read an excerpt from THE HANDMAID’S TALE and answer questions from the multiple choice test on the excerpt.

Analyze the excerpt from THE HANDMAID’S TALE. Please bring post-its. You will create a matrix on butcher paper with the themes (dominance/submission, freedom/confinement, etc) as the framework. You will look for the literary tropes which support the themes, write them on post its and place them on the matrix under the appropriate theme. You will share your detective work with the class.

Assignment: Write analysis of the excerpt from THE HANDMAID’S TALE. This assignment will be due on Monday, September 21st.

Friday, September 18th:

Warm-ups: VOICE LESSONS: “Selection of Detail:; page 30.

Packets of LITERARY TERMS will be passed out to you. Break into pairs and choose three literary devices to analyze and present to the class in a clear, thorough yet entertaining way. You will be graded on clarity, thoroughness, and creativity.

If we have time VOCABULARY WORKSHOP: level G; Unit One will be assigned to you today. Please write the words, the parts of speech, the definitions, the synonyms and antonyms; under “Completing the Sentences” please write out the correct words; under “Synonyms” and “Antonyms” write out the phrases, underline the bold faced words and write the correct vocabulary words; under “Choosing the Right Word” just write out the correct words - you do not need to write out the entire sentences. Unit One will be due on Tuesday, September 22nd.


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