Monday, September 21st:
Finish repunctuating the excerpt from THE THINGS THEY CARRIED; tape to wall and share with class. Discuss how punctuation affects meaning.
Read excerpt from THE HANDMAID'S TALE and answer the multiple choice questions over the text. If we have time we will analyze the Margaret Atwood excerpt today - hence the post-its. (By the way, please make sure you bring them.) You will be given a reprieve on the analytical essay on THE HANDMAID'S TALE which will be assigned today. The essay will be due on Wednesday, September 23rd.
Tuesday, September 22nd:
Your VOCABULARY WORKSHOP: Level G, "Unit One" homework will be due today.
Continue working and analyzing THE HANDMAID'S TALE. Make sure you bring post-its.
Wednesday, September 23rd:
Your analytical essay, THE HANDMAID'S TALE, is due today.
Pass out literary terms packet. Break into groups of three, choose a minimum of three terms. Learn about the three terms you have chosen: find definitions for the terms; find examples of the terms from literature; demonstrate how it is used in a correct, creative, interesting and informative way. Please be sure to demonstrate the terms both orally and visually - i.e. posters, etc. We will begin presentations next week. Your time slot will be assigned.
DAYBREAK: Critical Reading and Writing: pages 25-26; “Nature of Symbolic Fire” and “First Frost”.
A triptych is an artistic creation (painting or photographs) consisting of three panels exploring a subject.
A pastiche is an artistic creation composed of bits, pieces and snippets from other sources, usually creative (visual medium - paintings, photos, film; or literary - poems, novels, etc; or music - snippets, etc.) but can also be from “found sources” - i.e. junk, trash, household objects, etc.
The TRIPTYCH/PASTICHE assignment: Break into groups, analyze the three poems from “First Frost” and select the best lines from each poem to create a new poem. This “triptych/pastiche” poem will be due on Thursday, September 23rd which your group will share with the class.
Now you do it. “Your First Time”: This is an individual poem you will write modeled after the “First Frost” poem. Write a poem about a first time traumatic event (someone’s first breakup, for example) using heat as a symbol. This will be due on Friday, September 24th.
Thursday, September 24th:
Your group “TRIPTYCH/PASTICHE” poem is due today. We will share.
You will be given a few minutes to work on your literary terms.
Friday, September 25th:
Warm-up: An excerpt from VOICES on “Selection of Detail”.
Your individual assignment “Your First Time” is due today. You may share your work for extra credit.
You will be given a few minutes to work on your literary terms. We will begin presenting the literary terms next week.
Monday, September 21st:
Finish repunctuating the excerpt from THE THINGS THEY CARRIED; tape to wall and share with class. Discuss how punctuation affects meaning.
Read excerpt from THE HANDMAID'S TALE and answer the multiple choice questions over the text. If we have time we will analyze the Margaret Atwood excerpt today - hence the post-its. (By the way, please make sure you bring them.) You will be given a reprieve on the analytical essay on THE HANDMAID'S TALE which will be assigned today. The essay will be due on Wednesday, September 23rd.
Tuesday, September 22nd:
Your VOCABULARY WORKSHOP: Level G, "Unit One" homework will be due today.
Continue working and analyzing THE HANDMAID'S TALE. Make sure you bring post-its.
Wednesday, September 23rd:
Your analytical essay, THE HANDMAID'S TALE, is due today.
Pass out literary terms packet. Break into groups of three, choose a minimum of three terms. Learn about the three terms you have chosen: find definitions for the terms; find examples of the terms from literature; demonstrate how it is used in a correct, creative, interesting and informative way. Please be sure to demonstrate the terms both orally and visually - i.e. posters, etc. We will begin presentations next week. Your time slot will be assigned.
DAYBREAK: Critical Reading and Writing: pages 25-26; “Nature of Symbolic Fire” and “First Frost”.
A triptych is an artistic creation (painting or photographs) consisting of three panels exploring a subject.
A pastiche is an artistic creation composed of bits, pieces and snippets from other sources, usually creative (visual medium - paintings, photos, film; or literary - poems, novels, etc; or music - snippets, etc.) but can also be from “found sources” - i.e. junk, trash, household objects, etc.
The TRIPTYCH/PASTICHE assignment: Break into groups, analyze the three poems from “First Frost” and select the best lines from each poem to create a new poem. This “triptych/pastiche” poem will be due on Thursday, September 23rd which your group will share with the class.
Now you do it. “Your First Time”: This is an individual poem you will write modeled after the “First Frost” poem. Write a poem about a first time traumatic event (someone’s first breakup, for example) using heat as a symbol. This will be due on Friday, September 24th.
Thursday, September 24th:
Your group “TRIPTYCH/PASTICHE” poem is due today. We will share.
You will be given a few minutes to work on your literary terms.
Friday, September 25th:
Warm-up: An excerpt from VOICES on “Selection of Detail”.
Your individual assignment “Your First Time” is due today. You may share your work for extra credit.
You will be given a few minutes to work on your literary terms. We will begin presenting the literary terms next week.