Tuesday, September 29th:

Shortened day!

Warm-up: A selection from the book VOICES on selection of detail.

DAYBREAK: Critical Reading and Writing: pages 25-26; “Nature of Symbolic Fire” and “First Frost”.

A triptych is an artistic creation (painting or photographs) consisting of three panels exploring a subject.

A pastiche is an artistic creation composed of bits, pieces and snippets from other sources, usually creative (visual medium - paintings, photos, film; or literary - poems, novels, etc; or music - snippets, etc.) but can also be from “found sources” - i.e. junk, trash, household objects, etc.

The assignment: Break into groups, analyze the three poems from “First Frost” and select the best lines from each poem to create a new poem. This “triptych/pastiche” poem will be due on Thursday, September 23rd which your group will share with the class.

Now you do it.

For homework: “Your First Time”: This is an individual poem you will write modeled after the “First Frost” poem. Write a poem about a first time traumatic event (someone’s first breakup, for example) using heat as a symbol. This will be due on Friday, September 24th.

Wednesday, September 30th:

Your group “TRIPTYCH/PASTICHE” poem is due today. We will share.

You will be given a few minutes to work on your literary terms.

Thursday, October 1st:

You will be given a few minutes to work on your literary terms presentations.

Begin work on Aristotle’s POETICS. We will be given handouts, break into groups, read, discuss and then prepare a presentation on our section complete with posters and examples.

Friday, October 2nd:

Your individual assignment “Your First Time” is due today. You may share your work for extra credit.

You will be given a few minutes to work on your literary terms.

Continue working on Aristotle’s POETICS. We will be given handouts, break into groups, read, discuss and then prepare a presentation on our section complete with posters and examples.


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