Monday, November 23rd:
Warm-up: Write five sentences with adverbial clauses using five words from Unit 3 Vocabulary
Brief discussion of Haemon’s argument with Creon.
Finish the tableaux from Sophocles’ THE OEDIPAL TRILOGY

Tuesday, November 24th:
Warm-ups: Write five sentences with adverbial clauses using five words from Unit 3 Vocabulary
Keynote presentation on The History of English

Wednesday, November 25th:
Warm-ups: Write five sentences with adverbial clauses using five words from Unit 3 Vocabulary
Begin read BEOWULF!
Keep Cornell Notes on BEOWULF. It will be counted as a major grade.
You will be given a thick packet which is the excerpt of BEOWULF we will be reading. You will be given a reading assignment and some questions to answer over the weekend. It will be due on Monday, November 30th.

If you are not happy with your essay grade, then you may rewrite the essay incorporating the corrections, staple the rewritten version on top of the original and turn them both in. If the corrections are sufficient, then your grade will be raised one letter: if you made a “c/b” and you rewrite the essay, then the grade will be raised to a “b/a”.

You may also do the rewrites on your tests. Write out the question to which you gave an incorrect response and then write out the correct response on a separate sheet of paper, then staple the rewrite to the test and turn in. The rewrite will earn you one higher letter grade; for example, if you failed the test, the rewrite will earn you a “D”; if you earned a “C” then the rewrite will earn you a “B”.


shelbyisms said…
I stumbled across your blog using the "next blog" application at the top of the blogger toolbar and I would just like to say a couple of things.

The use of a blog on your part is genius. My personal AP English IV teacher uses a program called Moodle where we have to answer in forums, write journals, etc.. and it is, to be honest, a large annoyance. I think using a blog is just harmless enough.

You're very organized.
Nice work, teach.

Sorry for the informal tone.
Since I don't know you, or anything.
Have a lovely evening!

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