Monday, January 11th:
Your Act 1 open book test will be due today. We will grade this in class.
Remember, once we go over this in class you cannot turn it in later.
Go over Act Two and watch the video of HAMLET.

ASSIGNMENT: Analyze Polonius’ speech to Ophelia in Act 1 for the metaphorical use of money in his description of Ophelia’s worth. What does this figurative language reveal about Polonius’ attitude about women and women’s status in that society at that time?
This essay will be due on Thursday, January 14th.

Tuesday, January 12th:
Continue going over Act 2.
Remember, when we finish reading and discussing Act 2, the open book test will be due.

Wednesday, January 13th:
Please bring your vocabulary book, VOCABULARY WORKSHOP: Level G. Unit Four will be assigned today and will be due on Tuesday, January 19th.
Continue reading and discussing Act 2 of HAMLET.

Thursday, January 14th:
Your essay on Polonius' speech from Act 1 is due today.
Finish up Act 2 of HAMLET.

Friday, January 15th:
Go over the open book test of Act 2 of HAMLET. Remember, when we go over the test you cannot turn the test in late.


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