Crime and Punishment; Part 6, Chapter 1
1. Describe the mental and emotional state of Raskolnikov at this time in his life.
2. What is the fate of Katerina's children? Who is the surprising benefactor?
3. What does Svidrigailov mean when he tells Raskolnikov that all men need "Air! Air! Air!"? Do you think that he understands Raskolnikov? How does it relate to both him and to Raskolnikov?
4. What is Raskolnikov's attitude about death? How does he react to the reading of prayers for the dead over Katerina's body?
5. What are Raskolnikov's feelings regarding solitude? How does he feel when he is in solitude? How does he feel when he is surrounded by people?
6. What disquieting news does Razumikhan give to Raskolnikov?
7. What unwise decision is Razumikhin considering? And what does Raskkolnikov tell him to dissuade him from making that unwise decision?
8. After Razumikhin leaves Raskolnikov's flat, he pokes his head back and delivers a bomb shell. What does this reveal about Razumikhin's real fears about the murders?
9. What erroneous assumption does Razumikhin now make about Raskolnikov and his sister?
10. What has Raskolnikov been feeling since the scene with Mikolka in Porfiry's office? How does Razumikhin's news affect him? What is the element that he seems to need in order to "breathe"?
11. Does Raskolnikov believe Razumikhin's news? Why or why not?
12. What guest shows up at Raskolnikov's door?