Part 4; Chapter 5

1. What surprises Raskolnikov as he is waiting for Porfiry to summon him?

2. What does Raskonikov conclude regarding the strange man who called him a murderer yesterday? What do you think is the truth?

3. What do you think the closed doors at the back of Porfiry's office might represent? Do you think this might carry the motif of spying?

4. Describe Porfiry's demeanor during the conference with Raskolnikov. What effect does this have on Raskolnikov? Do you think Porfiry is intentionally acting in a strange manner to unnerve Raskolnikov?

5. What lawyer's procedures (or psychological manipulation) is Raskolnikov indirectly accusing Porfiry of employing on him?

6. What are some rather interesting references Porfiry makes to the murder in his rambling conversation with Raskolnikov? What is he doing during the course of his conversation with Raskolnikov? Is he doing these rather bizarre things intentionally? If so, why is he doing them?

7. What disconcerting information does Porfiry reveal to Raskolnikov about what he knows?

8. What does Raskolnikov find himself doing in Porfiry's office?

9. Who clearly has the upper hand in this scene?

10 What does Porfiry wish to show Raskolnikov?


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