October 11th - 15th Weekly Agenda for A.P. English Literature

Monday, October 11th:
Share your literary devices and vocabulary from your readings of CRIME and PUNISHMENT, Part 2, Chapters 4 and 5. Discuss.
For homework, read Chapter 6 and answer the questions, 1 - 20, on the weblog. You do not have to write the question but you do have to incorporate the question in your answer and answer in complete sentences.

Tuesday, October 12th:
Break into groups of three and present your answers to last night's questions to the class. This is for grade.

Wednesday, October 13th:
Read Chapter 7 in class. For tonight, work on your notes for Chapter 7; write down any and all literary devices you notice in the chapter, plus any vocabulary words you do not know. It should go without saying that you also LOOK UP THE DEFINITION of any words you do not know. On Thursday, we will share our notes in class.

Thursday, October 14th:
Go over your notes on Chapter 7 in class. You will be asked to share the literary devices you have discovered and the vocabulary words you LEARNED from last night's reading. Discussion of Chapter 7.

Friday, October 15th:
Read Part 3, Chapter 1. For homework tonight and over the weekend, finishing reading Part 3, Chapters 1 and 2, and write down the literary devices and vocabulary you have discovered in your reading.


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