
1. Where is Raskolnikov now?

2. How did he comport himself during the trial? Why is his ability to remember exact details ironic?

3. What did the magistrate and attorneys believe were the reasons for Raskolnikov's crimes?

4. What did the magistrate and attorneys find the most difficult to believe regarding Raskolnikov's actions?

5. What were the reasons Raskolnikov gave for his crime?

6. What were some of Raskolnikov's surprising and heroic acts that were cited by his character witnesses?

7. What were the mitigating factors considered by the judge in determining Raskolnikov's sentence?

8. What has happened to Pulkheria? How is her state similar in some ways to her son's?

9. What did Razumikhin and Dounia do? What are Razumikhin's plans?

10. What is Sonia's fate?

11. Describe the letters Sonia writes to Dounia and Razumikhin? What is remarkable about them? Why in the end do the letters turn out so effective?

12. What is Raskolnikov's attitude towards everything in this stage of his life?

13 How does Sonia help Raskolnikov?

14. What is the reaction of the other inmates to Raskolnikov?


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