January 17th Weekly Agenda for AP English Literature

Monday, January 17th:
Over the weekend please read Act 3, Scenes 1 and 2
Make sure you write at least:
Three vocabulary words per scene and their definitions
Three example of rhetorical devices/metaphorical/figurative language
Explain how and why they are being used.
This is the minimum amount you must do.
Don't forget to work on your Act 2 test.

Tuesday, January 18th:
Go over the weekend's reading of Act 2. The students will share their analytical journals with the class which will include a brief summary, vocabulary, and at least three literary devices. This will be due at the end of the class.

Wednesday, January 19th:
Go over Act 2 test over Hamlet.

Thursday, January 20th:
Begin reading Act 3 of Hamlet
Pass out Player King speech in Act 3, Scene 2
Pass out Act 3 test
Watch video of Act 3 of Hamlet

Friday, January 21st:
Go over your last night's notes for Hamlet. The notes must include a brief summary; vocabulary, literary terms and how and why they are used.
For the weekend please continue reading and taking notes on HAMLET.


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