FEBRUARY 28, 2011 - MARCH 4, 2011

Monday, February 28th:
Read the following in the packet
Ben Jonson’s biography
“Still to Be Neat”
“Song to Celia”
“On My First Son”
“Ben Jonson’s Vision of His Son”
Please do soapstones on the above poems
Please answer the circled questions on the above poems

Please read the following in the packet
Robert Herrick’s biography
“To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time”
“Upon Julia’s Clothes”
“Delight in Disorder”
Please do soapstone on the above poems
Please answer the following questions on the above poems
Analyzing: “To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time”; question 2
Applying: Symbol; questions 1 and 2
Think and Discuss; Analyzing:“Upon Julia’s Clothes”; questions 1 and 2
Delight in Disorder: Understanding; Analyzing and Extending; all the questions

Tuesday, March 1st:
We will go over the above poems today.
We will act out “To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time”
Your adjective clause handout is due today.
For homework:
Please read the following in the packet:
John Donne’s Biography
THINK AND DISCUSS: Song; Understanding; question 1
Analyzing: questions 2, 3, 4, 5
APPLYING: Hyperbole; questions 1 and 2
Please so soapstone on the above poem
Break up poem into stanzas and create a story board based on each stanza.

Wednesday, March 2nd:
Unit 2 Vocabulary is due
Go over last night’s homework in class
Go over answers, soapstones and present storyboard
For homework:
“The Bait”
“A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning”
Reader’s Note: “A Valediction”
Sonnet 10
Please do soapstone on the above poems
THINK AND DISCUSS: Song; Understanding; question 1
Analyzing: questions 2, 3, 4, 5
APPLYING: Hyperbole; questions 1 and 2
THINK AND DISCUSS: The Bait; Analyzing; questions 2 and 3
Extending: question 4
A VALEDICTION: Forbidden Mourning
ANALYZING; questions 3,4,5, and 6

Thursday, March 3rd:
Multiple Choice questions on John Donne’s “Meditations”
For homework:
Read the biography of Andrew Marvel
“To His Coy Mistress”
“Reader’s Note”

Friday, March 4th:
Multiple Choice Questions on Shakespeare’s sonnet
For homework:
Essay on Shakespeare’s sonnet
Due on Tuesday, March 8th


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