FEBRUARY 14, 2011 - FEBRUARY 18, 2011

Monday, February 14th:
Discussion of HAMLET, Act 4
What does the gentleman say about what the people may construe from Ophelia's psychotic speech?
Analyze Gertrude's speech "There is a willow grows a skant a brook...."
Assign performance art piece based on one of the following:
Act Three:
Claudius' confession: "My words fly up; my thoughts remain below"
Act Four:
Ophelia's first mad scene
Ophelia's second mad scene with Laertes
Claudius' manipulation of and plotting with Laertes
Gertrude's monologe: "There is a willow grows askant a brook..."

Tuesday, February 15th:
Work on Performance Art Pieces

Wednesday, February 16th:
Work on HAMLET Performance Art Pieces

Thursday, February 17th:
Present the HAMLET Performance Art Pieces
Present the tableaux

Friday, February 18th:
Finish the HAMLET Performance Art Pieces
Present the tableaux
Finish watching HAMLET
Pass out the Cavalier Poets packet


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