APRIL 4, 2011 – APRIL 8, 2011
Monday, April 4th:
By today, you should have read up to page 125 of FRANKENSTEIN and have maintained a journal for those 125 pages. The journal should include a brief summary; vocabulary words plus their definitions, plus literary devices and how they are used, and elements of the Romantic genre you have found: references to nature, to the supernatural, to those things which are darkly mysterious; the idealization of the poor, to the simple, and to the triumph of emotion and passion over cold reason and intellect.
Read and discuss the biography of John Keats. Perhaps watch a brief snippet of the film “Bright Star”.
Read and discuss John Keats’ “La Belle Dame Sans Merci”; analyze the poem for comprehension, vocabulary, shift of point of view and narrator, imagery and soapstones.
Read and discuss John Keat’s “Ode to a Nightingale”
For homework please answer the following questions in your “Romantic Poetry” packet: page 517; “Understanding”: questions 1, 2, 3 and 4; “Analyzing”: questions 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9; “Extending”: question 10; and “Applying Onomatopoeia”: questions 1, 2, and 3. This will be due on Wednesday, April 6th.

Tuesday, April 5th:
Regular schedule!
Listen and compare Baroque music (Bach), Classical music (Mozart, early Beethoven), and Romantic (Chopin, Liszt, Tchaikovsky)
Your “Ode to the West Wind” is due today.
Co over essay writing strategies;
Today a compare and contrast essay on John Keats’ “Bright Star” and Robert Frost’s “Choose Something Like a Star” will be assigned to you. This will be due tomorrow.

Wednesday, April 6th:
Your compare and contrast essay on John Keats’ “Bright Star” and Robert Frost’s “Choose Something Like a Star” is due.
Discussion of the essay and the two poems, “Bright Star” and “Choose Something Like a Star”.
Multiple Choice questions over John Keats’ poem “On the Sonnet” and a Henry Wadsworth Longfellow sonnet.

Thursday, April 7th:
In class compare and contrast essay on John Keats’ “When I Have Fears” and Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’s “Mezzo Cammin”. You will have forty minutes to write this essay. It will be due at the end of the period.

Friday, April 8th:
Read and discuss William Blake’s biography. View some of his amazing art.
Read and analyze “The Lamb” and “The Tyger”
For homework, a compare and contrast essay on two William Blake’s poems, Chimney Sweep. This will be due on Monday, April 11th.
For homework, please be sure to finish FRANKENSTEIN and your journals. This will be due on Tuesday, April 12th.


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