OCTOBER 31, 2011 - NOVEMBER 4, 2011
Monday, October 31st:
Warm-ups! Using three of your vocabulary words from Unit 2, write three sentences with adverbial clauses.
Go over Robert Bridges and Anne Stephenson’s “Eros”
The essay for “Eros” will be due on Friday, November 4th.
Go over the A.P. released prompt and student essays on George Eliot’s MIDDLEMARCH.
Tuesday, November 1st:
Warm-ups! Using three of your vocabulary words from Unit 2, write three sentences with adverbial clauses.
Begin work on the sonnet
The sonnet handout will be passed out to you today in class.
Wednesday, November 2nd:
Warm-ups! Using three of your vocabulary words from Unit 2, write three sentences with adverbial clauses.
Go over the packet on William Shakespeare
Break into groups of four
Each group will be assigned one sonnet from the packet
The group will analyze the sonnet for the following:
Figurative language
The group will present its findings to the class
Thursday, November 3rd:
Warm-ups! Using three of your vocabulary words from Unit 2, write sentences with adverbial clause.
For homework:
In the Shakespeare packet, please do the following questions; this will be due on Tuesday, November 8th:
In packet, pages 188 - 189
Sonnet 18:
Understanding: 1; Analyzing: 2 and 3; Reviewing Theme: 1
Sonnet 29:
Understanding: 1; Analyzing: 2
Sonnet 30:
Understanding: 1; Analyzing: 2 and 3; Extending: 4 and 5
Sonnet 71:
Understanding: 1; Analyzing: 2, 3, 4, and 5;
Sonnet 116:
Understanding: 1, 2, 3,
Analyzing: 4 and 6
Sonnet 130:
Understanding: 1
Analyzing: 2 and 3
Applying: Connotation/Denotation: 1, 2, and 3
Friday, November 4th:
The “Eros” compare and contrast essay is due today
We will go over the A.P. released prompt on TOM JONES and the student released essays. We will read the excerpt, the rubric and the essays and then break into groups to score.