Daily Agenda for A.P. English Literature

Monday, March 26th
Quick one page analysis of a passage from FRANKENSTEIN
Due by 11 a.m.
Continue discussion of John Keat's "La Belle Dame Sans Merci"
For homework:
Continue reading FRANKENSTEIN
Write a brief summary, vocabulary and literary tropes and themes related to the Romantic Era

Also for homework:
Reread "Ode to the West Wind"; answer the questions 1 - 9 on page 507 under "Ode of the West Wind"

Tuesday, March 27th:
Pair up and work on analytical handout on "Ode to the West Wind"
Twenty minute mini essay on "Ode to the West Wind"
Essay Prompt:
Analyze Shelley's use of figurative language, imagery, structure and theme, and relate them to themes found in the Romantic philosophy, such as love of nature, love of the untamed and emotionality.
FRANKENSTEIN homework due:
Reading log: brief summary, vocabulary words with definitions, figurative language and Romantic Era themes.

Wednesday, March 28th:
Work on compare and contrast essay on John Keat's "Bright Star" and Robert Frost's "Something Like a Star" in preparation for in-class essay on Thursday.
FRANKENSTEIN homework due.

Thursday, March 29th:
The "Ode to the West Wind" questions 1 - 9 are due today.
In class essay

Over the break, please read, do reading logs and finish FRANKENSTEIN!


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