MAY 4, 2012 Agenda for A.P. English Literature

For homework over the weekend:

In your yellow and black CLIFFS AP ENGLISH LITERATURE and COMPOSITION, please read the following excerpts and answer the questions for each excerpt:

Pages 32 - 34; Wordsworth's poem; questions 1 - 12

Pages 43 - 46; Joseph Conrad's TYPHOON; questions 1 - 13

Pages 114 - 117; George Eliot's ADAM BEDE; questions 30 - 42

Pages 150 - 152; Charles Dickens' DOMBEY and SON; questions 17 - 28

Pages 152 - 155; Thomas Gray's "Ode on the Death of a Favorite Cat"; questions 29 - 42

Pages 156 - 159; George Orwell's essay; questions 43 - 56


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