SEPTEMBER 18, 2012 - SEPTEMBER 21, 2012
Tuesday, September 18th:
Discuss "Discovery of the New World" by Carter Revard from PERRINE'S LITERATURE; pages 750 - 752; questions 1 - 5. The questions are due today.
Prewrite on compare and contrast on two poems on "Eros" by Robert Bridges and Anne Stephenson.
Wednesday, September 19th:
Timed essay on "Eros" by Robert Bridges and Anne Stephenson.
PERRINE'S LITERATURE; "A Study of Reading Habit" by Philip Larkin; pages 740 - 741; questions 1 - 3, pages 741; due today. Please have read 741 - 744 by today and outline. The outline of pages 741 - 744 will be due today.
Please bring your Vocabulary Workshop; Unit One will be assigned and will be due on Monday, September 24th.
Thursday, September 20th:
Discussion on PERRINE'S LITERATURE; "A Study of Reading Habit" by Phillip Larkin; pages 740 - 741; and discussion on pages 741 - 744.
Begin exciting adventure with HAMLET!
Begin reading HAMLET, Act 1, Scene 1
Reading Notes
Watch Kenneth Branagh's HAMLET
Friday, September 21st:
HAMLET, Act 1 open book test
Read and discuss HAMLET
Watch Kenneth Branagh's HAMLET