February 19, 2013 - February 22, 2013 A.P. English Literature

February 19, 2013 - February 22, 2013 A.P. English Literature Agenda

Tuesday, February 19th:
In class essay on William Blake's "The Chimney Sweep"

Wednesday, February 20th:
Go over the returned essays, Keats' "Bright Star" and Frost's "Choose Something Like a Star"
Rewrite in class

Thursday, February 21st:
Multiple Choice Excerpt from the opening scene from CRIME and PUNISHMENT 
Pass out CRIME and PUNISHMENT packet
Begin reading and discussing
Finish Chapter 1 tonight
Explicate Chapter 1

Friday, February 22nd:
Continue reading and discussing CRIME and PUNISHMENT
Finish Chapter 2 tonight
Read Chapters 3 and 4 over the weekend.
Explicate Chapters 2, 3, and 4


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