February 4, 2012 - February 8, 2012 A.P. English Literature Agenda

Monday, February 4th:
Briefly go over John Keats' "La Belle Dame Sans Merci"
Go over the brief analysis of pov and imagery in "La Belle Dame Sans Merci"
Break into groups; assign sonnets to analyze for structure and comprehension

Tuesday, February 5th:
Continue presentation of analysis of the Shakespearean sonnets

Wednesday, February 6th:
Re-assign Vocabulary Workshop F; Unit 3; this will be due on February 11th.
Continue presentation of analysis of the Shakespearean sonnets. 
Examine Petrarchan sonnets

Thursday, February 7th:
Pass out the "Adjective Clause in Shakespeare" handout; go over in class. This will be due tomorrow, Friday, February 8th.
Multiple Choice Questions on John Keats' "On the Sonnet"
Preparation for the in-class compare and contrast essay on John Keats and Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Friday, February 8th:
In-class essay on John Keat's "When I Have Doubts" and Henry Wadsworth Longfellow's "Mezzo Cammin"

Looking ahead for Monday, February 11th: 
Deconstruct the Compare and Contrast Essay on Keats and William Wordsworth
Begin analysis of Compare and Contrast Essay on Keats' "Bright Star" and Robert Frost's "Choose Something Like a Star"


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