October 10, 2016 - October 14, 2016 Weekly Agenda for A. P. English
Looking Ahead:
Due Tuesday, October 11th:
Writer’s Choice
Active and Passive Voice
Pages 587, 588 and 589
Exercises 21, 22, 23, and 24
Perrine’s Literature
"The Guest" by Albert Camus
Pages 371 - 383
Questions 1 - 9; pages 383 - 384.
Due Thursday, October 12th:
Unit 2
The first ten words
Please bring your Hamlet and Perrine's
Please bring your Hamlet and Perrine's
Monday, October 10th:
Mercurial: describes who is volatile, erratic in behavior; like the mercury in a thermometer, a mercurial person will go up and down, etc.
Pass out the three verisons of the Andrey Voznesensky Poem "First Ice"
With a partner, analyze the three versions of the poem
Then select the best word choice from each line of the three poems and construct a fourth poem. This poem should have what you consider to be the best lines from the three poems.
Then, write your own twelve line poem but change the season to summer and entitle it "First Fire".
This will be due on Thursday, October 13th.
Tuesday, October 11th:
Brief class discussion of last night’s reading of Albert
Camus’ “The Guest”
Mercurial: describes who is volatile, erratic in behavior; like the mercury in a thermometer, a mercurial person will go up and down, etc.
Pass out the three verisons of the Andrey Voznesensky Poem "First Ice"
With a partner, analyze the three versions of the poem
Then select the best word choice from each line of the three poems and construct a fourth poem. This poem should have what you consider to be the best lines from the three poems.
Then, write your own twelve line poem but change the season to summer and entitle it "First Fire".
This will be due on Thursday, October 13th.
Tuesday, October 11th:
Collected the grammar homework: Active/Passive Voice
Collected the questions, #1 – 9 for “The Guest” by Albert
Camus in Perrine’s Literature
Watched Ted.ed.com
“Shakespeare and Hip-Hop” – Akala
Passed out the handout on the structure of Elizabethan or
Shakespearean sonnet
Passed out the multiple choice questions on “That time of
year thou mayst in me behold….”
Briefly went over soapstone for the sonnet.
Wednesday, October 12th:
No school today!
Thursday, October 13th: Wednesday, October 12th:
No school today!
“That time of year thou mayst in me behold”
What is the first thing you notice in the first line of this
May/December marriages
He is in the springtime of his life.
He is in the autumn of his life.
He is in the twilight of his life.
Reorder the word order into contemporary English.
Fall/Winter Imagery
Yellow leaves do hang upon the boughs (tree branches)
Which shake against the cold
Bare ruined choirs – the ruins of a church
Death’s second self – sleep
Continue analysis
Finish the multiple choice questions for this sonnet tonight
Watch Act 1, Scene 1 of Kenneth Branagh’s Hamlet
For tonight: Please read Act 1, Scene 1 and write down any
questions or observations you may have about the scene. This is filled with
important exposition so pay attention!
Friday, October 14th:
Passed back and went over the multiple choice questions for
“The Imaginary Iceberg”
Went over the multiple choice questions over Sonnet 73
Brief discussion of Act 1, Scene 1