Questions Over The Sun Also Rises

Everybody Behaves Badly: The True Story Behind Ernest Hemingway’s Masterpiece The Sun Also Rises

  1. Which did Hemingway prefer - the city or the country? 
2. Why did Hemingway prefer the one over the other? 

3. What kind of writer was Hemingway at the beginning of his career?

4. Is The Sun Also Rises based on real people - is it a roman a clef? 

5. Who was Harold Loeb? 

6. What two communities did Harold Loeb’s character bridge? 

7. What was Harold Loeb’s reaction to Hemingway’s depiction of him in the book?

8. Who was Lady Brett Ashley based on? 

9. Who was the male counterpart to Lady Brett Ashely? 

10. Who was Bill Gorton based on?

11. What did Donald Ogden Stewart do to anger Hemingway?

12. How did Hemingway get back at Donald Ogden Stewart?

13. What did Donald Ogden Smith confess to years later which left him shamefaced? 

14. Whose story is The Sun Also Rise - Jake’s or Lady Brett Ashley? 

15. What is Hemingway’s “iceberg theory” in literature?


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