March 12, 2018 - March 16, 2018 Weekly Agenda for A.P. English Literature

Monday, March 12th: 
Reading, analyzing complex literary text and communicating the analysis of the complex text verbally and through the written word.
Task/ Objectives:
The students will demonstrate an understanding of the plot, characters, themes and figurative language and science used in Frankenstein 
Students will give a presentation via power point analyzing Frankenstein in terms of plot, character, themes, figurative language, and philosophy of the Romantic Era.  The student audience will take notes, and following the presentations, there will be a question and answer session in which presenters will answer the audience questions.
Reflection: Why is Frankenstein filled with disgust, calling the monster "my enemy" as soon as he had created him?
Homework: Read the next chapter of Frankenstein 

Group 1
Carter Demus, Danya Duarte, Angela Friedman, Matteo Gironda
Group 2
Jefferson Barrera, Oscar Gutierrez, Roland Kalo, Alexis Martinez, William Minor 
Group 3
Manuel Campos, Kais Karram, Zane Karram, Luis Mauricio, Emily Salazar

Group 4
Leslie Caballero, Ronald Canton, Monce Cruz, Alejandro Ignacio, Brandy Mendoza

Group 5
Sandra Bautista, Cristina Gamez, Daireen Garcia, Allison Chirino, Sydney Ross 

Group 6
Elizabeth Chan, Jennifer Fadersaer, Blanca Huerta, Aliyyah Joseph, Andrea Morales 

Tuesday, March 13th:

Frankenstein Presentations:
Oscar, Jefferson, Roland, Willam
Oscar: Plot
Jefferson: Characters
Roland: Themes
Willliam: Motif
Alexis: Figurative Language
Comments and questions: Aliyyah, Angie, Brandy
Good answers: Jefferson, William

Wednesday, March 14th:  

Frankenstein Presentations

Groups 3, 4, and 5

Group 3:

Manuel, Kais, Zane, Luis, Emily

Group 4:

Leslie, Ronald, Monce, Alejandro, Brandy

Group 5:

Sandra, Cristina, Daireen, Allison

Thursday, March 15th: 
Group 6: 
Jennifer - Plot 
Elizabeth - Theme 
Aliyyah - Romantic Era Motif 
Andrea - Plot/Character  

Last fifteen minutes of class:
Chapters 1 – 5 Figurative Scavenger Hunt
Go through Frankenstein and find the following:
Three examples of imagery–
Write the quotation: What is being described? What effect does it create?
Bonus Point:
Find an example of allusion, or metaphor, or personification or simile
Write the quotation: What is being compared to what? What is revealed by the comparison?
Please submit to schoology!


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