May 7, 2018 - May 11, 2018 Weekly Agenda for A.P. English

Monday, May 7th: 
Free-Response in-Class Timed Writing Essay

For homework: Read "The Myth of Sisyphus"
Answer the following questions.
This will be due on Thursday, May 10th on schoology.

As you can see from the account of the myth above, there are various reasons attributed as to why the mythical Sisyphus was condemned by the gods to such an arduous and futile fate.
—Of these reasons, which ones does Camus give for the condemnation of Sisyphus? What is their significance for his philosophy?
Camus imaginatively depicts Sisyphus’s strenuous effort to push the boulder up the hill, saying that it is the moment just after the stone rolls back down the incline that interests him the most, and labeling it his “hour of consciousness”: a time when he is “superior to his fate” (121).
—Is Camus’ language ironic here? How does he explain his interpretation of Sisyphus’ reaction to this futility?
Camus says “There is no sun without shadow, and it is essential to know the night” (123), implying perhaps that it is crucial to accept an irrational, even absurd, suffering as part of the human experience. To this he adds that Sisyphus “teaches the higher fidelity that negates the gods and raises rocks,” ultimately concluding that “[o]ne must imagine Sisyphus happy” (123).
—In light of the arduous fate to which he has been condemned, how does one explain this incongruous perspective? How can Sisyphus possibly be happy, given his onerous circumstance? How can one rejoice in torment? Can one embrace the absurd?
—Camus also uses the imperative, saying “We must imagine [Sisyphus] happy?” Why this word must? What implications does this suggest for human beings?

Finish reading The Stranger
Thematic analysis
Character analysis

Tuesday, May 8th: 

Multiple Choice Questions - 2014
Make-up Free-Response In-Class Timed Writing Assignment
The Myth of Sisyphus by Albert Camus

For homework:Culminating essay on The Stranger 
Due Friday, May 11th

Wednesday, May 9th: 
Debrief of A.P. test
In the library today

Thursday, May 10th: 
In the auditorium - you may work on outstanding work

Friday, May 11th: 
In the auditorium - you may work on outstanding work


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